Comment history with NYC-LOVE
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i tried that and it still won't let me get more than two layers.
i'm not sure if i understand what you mean. -- you mean make a new layer and rewrite the text over the original layer? [sorry! i dont mean to sound slow]
your welcome. hmm the only other thing i can think of is instead of duplicating the layer everytime, try just making a new layer and putting text over it. that works sometimes. if it doesn't work i'm sorry. i'm not sure why it isn't working for you.
thank you! i couldn't figure out for the life of me where it was lol. i just tried again and it still doesn't work. i dunno why but out of the three that i'm trying. it always disables one of them.
to create a new frame, go to the end of the animation window and there should be a button that looks like a little arrow with vertical lines next to it. click that and click new frame. as for your other quetion... hmm,i'm not sure what will only let you get two frames. it works fine for me. give it one more try and if it doesn't work let me know and i'll try to find a another way you can do this(: